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Types of Tea Offered:

Black tea is generally stronger in flavour than the less oxidized teas.We process balck tea in 2 ways: CTC (Crush, Tear, Curl) or Orthodox. The CTC method is efficient and effective for producing a better quality product from medium and lower quality leaves of consistently dark color.Orthodox processing is done either by machines or by hand. We use Hand processing for high quality teas.
White tea comes from the buds and leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. Then we allow leaves and buds to wither in natural sunlight before they are lightly processed to prevent oxidation or further tea processing.This tea is not white or colourless but pale yellow.
Our Green Tea is prepared from the leaves which from Camellia sinensis plant that have undergone minimal oxidation during processing.We offer varieties of green teas which can differ substantially due to variable growing conditions, horticulture, production processing, and harvesting time.
Oolong Tea is prepared by using a unique process which includes withering under the strong sun and oxidation before curling and twisting.We offer varieties of oolong tea that depends upon the degree of oxidation which ranges from 8 to 85%.Most our oolong teas, especially those of fine quality, involve unique tea plant cultivars that are exclusively used for particular varieties
Fermented Tea undergoes an open-air fermentation process, from several months to many years.This process alters the smell of the tea, and typically mellows its taste, turning previously astringent or bitter teas into products that are thick and unctuous, with pleasant mouth feels and aftertastes.We also offer this type of exclusive tea for all Tea Enthusiasts.
Yellow tea usually implies a special tea processed similarly to green tea, but with a slower drying phase, where the damp tea leaves are allowed to sit and yellow.This tea generally has a very yellow-green appearance and a smell different from both white tea and green tea.You can also enjoy this different tea offered by us.
In Case of further information like MOQ,Rates or Tea leaf grading, Kindly click on Inquire Now with your query.
Types of Coffee Offered:

Arabica Coffee:
Arabica coffees (or Arabicas) have a delicate flavour and balanced aroma coupled with a sharp and sweet taste. They have about half the amount of caffeine compared to Robustas. Arabicas are harvested between November to January, and are typically grown on higher altitudes ranging from 600 to 2000 metres in cool, moisture-rich and subtropical weather conditions. We also make sure that this coffee is grown up in nutrient-rich soil to be able to conform to the highest international coffee standards.
We offer 4 popular varieties of Arabica coffee:
Kents Coffee
S.795 Coffee
Cauvery Coffee
Sln.9 (Selection 9) Coffee
Robusta Coffee:
Robusta coffees (or Robustas) have twice the level of caffeine compared to Arabicas. Robusta coffees have a very strong taste, a grainy essence and an aftertaste somewhat similar to that of peanuts. It is possible to grow this variety at lower heights. Robusta coffee plants are harvested from December to February, and can better withstand the onslaught of unfriendly weather and plant pests.
Robustas have a better yield and take less time to bear fruit than Arabicas. Although the Arabica variety is mostly preferred by our clients in international markets, high quality Robustas are also highly sought after in espressos due to their strong taste and the crema1 that they help generate.
We offer 2 popular varieties of Robusta coffee :
S.274 Coffee
CxR Coffee
In case of further information regarding MOQ,Rates or types of coffee we are offering,Kindly send your query by clicking on Inquire now button down.